A life connected to the future: the 5G Cultural Revolution

Digitalisation is an unstoppable and irreversible process, affecting every sector of the labour market and every aspect of our lives. The health crisis triggered by the COVID-19 epidemic forced an unprecedented acceleration in the development and application of the latest technologies, compelling people, institutions and organisations to adapt quickly to the new normal. Exactly one year since the outbreak of the pandemic, there is no more time for improvisation. Taking structured, strategic action to equip everyone with the tools they need to govern their future in the best possible way, bridging cultural gaps and shortcomings, even more than technical ones, has become the priority.

The need to stay connected to work, study and communicate on the one hand, and the urgency for governments to monitor and analyse huge amounts of data very quickly on the other, have rendered the telecommunications industry into one of the most antifragile sectors of the global economy and turned 5G technology into the driving force of a truly epoch-making change. There is no longer any doubt, if there ever was one, that what we are experiencing is a real revolution, a disruption that clearly marks a before and an after, an interruption between the old world and the new. And while the contours of this transformation are still blurred, we can already mark out a path and choose a direction.

5G will become the infrastructure for creating a New World of supply and demand in innovative services

Massimo Torre, Head of Sales Mobility Ecosystem & IoT solutions at Infomobility.it

Massimo Torre, Head of Sales Mobility Ecosystem & IoT solutions at Infomobility.it, a startup operating in the Insurance Telematics and Automotive sectors, was on hand to explain this revolution, which is first and foremost cultural, during a talk organised by PHYD on 22 January entitled A life connected to the future. At a time when the most fanciful conspiracy theories about 5G are rife, the intent is clear from the outset: highlighting the healing potential of technology, its infinite possibilities for development, the profound impact on the small things of everyday life, and the fate of the global economy (assuming that the two could ever be clearly separated). The fifth generation of mobile telephony is, in fact, an enabling structure for many technologies that are gradually changing the way we produce, consume, live and even think. The increasingly pervasive use of machine learning, wearable electronics or automation in passenger and freight vehicles are just a few examples.

For Torre, 5G "will become the infrastructure for creating a New World of supply and demand in innovative services" throughout every market sector, ranging across transport, energy, farming, public safety, manufacturing, healthcare, media and food. The fourth industrial revolution has been going on for some time, yet we are only now seeing its full effects on products and processes. Industry 4.0 will challenge all companies to face big data, IoT, open data, cloud computing, machine-to-machine, data analytics, and they will have to learn to quickly assimilate tools and skills to be competitive and future-proof.

In the new world described by Torre, the digital and physical dimensions will merge in a seamless hybrid combination, and what we are beginning to experience with phygital marketing will be just one of the many possible declinations of this coexistence. Yet there is more: Zero-distance seamless connectivity will give the categories of space and time a new and more radical definition. Not only will we be reachable everywhere, we will be everywhere. A New York-based surgeon will thus be able to operate on a patient in Melbourne through a device; the hologram of a manager at an office in Milan will be in a client's meeting room in Madrid. This is not science fiction, it is already happening. The 5G network technology holds the key to such an extraordinary future, since it alone is capable of delivering continuous, ubiquitous and immediate mobile and fixed connections, while also processing huge amounts of data.

Zero-distance seamless connectivity will give the categories of space and time a new and more radical definition. Not only will we be reachable everywhere, we will be everywhere.

This technology can transform cities towards a better and more sustainable quality of life; usher in genuine transparency, speed and efficiency in public administration/citizenship relations; develop business and jobs in places where today we only see stagnation; and even transform jobs that are considered dangerous, rendering them safe and thus reducing workplace accidents. To do all this, however, it must be able to create social value before it generates economic value. It must be the driving force behind a new, more positive and proactive attitude, a new way of life in which people's needs and wishes are at the centre. For Massimo Torre, the real revolution consists in investing in people and their ideas, even before investing in infrastructure.

You can learn more and watch the full event by simply signing up on the PHYD website.

Di |2024-07-15T10:06:23+01:00Marzo 24th, 2021|Innovation, MF|0 Commenti
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