Podcast mania : what to listen to regarding labor topics

In the age of subscriptions, even audio content has evolved, transforming itself into podcasts. A mature phenomenon that traces its origins in the radio world, and in Italy involves over 12 million listeners (+ 1,8 million in 2019, an increase of 16% compared to 2018, Nielsen data). On top of news and sports, politics, foreign affairs and finance, people arealso talking about employment.

And it’s specifically the Italian newspaper Il Sole 24Ore who, thanks to their podcasts, broaden some of the on-topic broadcasts of Radio24 beyond the time constraints of on-air programs, allowing the users to access pre-recorded news content. This is evidenced by the award received by Storie di successo,(Success stories), listed by Apple in the 25 broadcasts to play back,. Presented by Francesca Milano, Storie di successo tells the stories of people who have taken an intuition and turned it into a business: from the very first steps to the first obstacles, to the awareness of having made it, the show focuses on a guest who goes through their personal experience to become case history, open to anyone who wants to turn an entrepreneurial idea into reality.

Hailing from the same realm of the financial newspaper, I lavori del futuro (The jobs of the future) by Luca De Biase, tells us of the changes that technology is causing in the labor world, creating new jobs and modifying the organization of companies that operate within the digital financial world, and all that comes from it.

How to approach a job interview, what life is like as a freelance, how to work from home. And many more stories to take as an example.

Among the various online podcasts on offer, there are alsoindependent podcasts that are meant to be listened to one episode at a time. One look into the“Startup!” section on Spreaker (a podcast platform app for your smartphones) lets you discover the voice of Marco Montemagno: a digital entrepreneur, founder of Slashers, 4Books e The Update and presenter of Reporter Diffuso, a Sky program that for seven years has hosted interviews with thousands of innovators and investors. A baggage of experience that Montemagno opens up to users with constant updates (including cross media content on other platforms). In the catalogue we’ll also find Pillole di Business (Business Pills), curated by Massimo Martinini who proposes ideas and food for thought on business, marketing and personal development. There’s also Colloquio diretto, (Direct interview), that tackles topics centered on job seeking and simple but effective communication tools.

Beyond the topic specific playlists on the various platforms, we can findMaxPodCoach by Massimiliano Freddi, who centers his episodes on aspects of the labor market while always starting from the stories of his guests: people who have achieved success and people who have just started their journey, to identify the right advice in order to avoid mistakes and, especially, to focus on the right objective. A similar approach is shared by Italo-Digitali, that turn the digital experience and advice of the presenters Alice e Micheal; into a podcast: different backgrounds but the same passion for the online world and its flexibility. Having met in Thailand while living as “digital nomads”, they decided to put their content online. Lots of advice and best practices to make our digital businesses work at best and not get overwhelmed by the online world.

And lastly, two women take over the mic. The first one is Audra Bertolone with her podcastLavoro da casa: storia personale e consigli su tutte le sfumature dello smart working (Working from home: personal history and advice on all areas of smart working). A personal virtual assistant – but not only – Audra boasts experience in various different companies, especially within the IT sector, as a foreign commercial assistant. Since 2013, however, after her first child was born, her perspective on work changed: from full-time employee to self-employed working from her living room. A ”revolution” she shares with other women she brings on to her podcast to talk as guests. Also Chiara Battaglioni talks about work management with her podcastWorkBetter (a spin-off of the namesake blog): useful advice to choose a path and follow through with it in the mare magnum of freelancers. Happy listening!

Di |2024-07-15T10:05:47+01:00Gennaio 8th, 2020|Education, Lifestyle, MF|0 Commenti
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