In order to be useful, technology needs to be attractive

H-Farm founder Riccardo Donadon’s opinions on the working world of tomorrow (and after tomorrow) are always worth listening to. “Everyone can give free rein to his imagination, his creativity and the courage to effect change,” says Mr Donadon. We met him at the headquarters of his “platform for innovation”, in the heart of the Veneto region, between Venice and Treviso.

How will the labour market change going forward? “The manufacturing world is undergoing a time of great transformation. Design and production methods are changing significantly.” According to Mr Donadon, what will revolutionise our lives are “augmented and virtual reality”. Apparently a contradiction in terms, these two concepts provide the key to the future. Another seeming contradiction is given by high technological skills combined with a passion for the arts and humanities; “but on the contrary, it is precisely from this encounter that new technologies can hope to serve a country as beautiful as Italy”.

As regards his role models: “I can give three names”, says Mr Donadon, “Steve Jobs, Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos.” To find out why, watch this video interview:

Di |2024-07-15T10:04:49+01:00Dicembre 12th, 2017|Future of Work, Innovation, MF|0 Commenti
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