Social Inclusion

Community organisers: what these new civic activists do and how they do it

Europe is also witnesses an emergence of a civic 'organiser', a role whose sole raison d'être is to empower communities. There is a growing demand for this profession, especially among organisations with extensive local impact.

Di |2024-07-15T10:06:33+01:00Luglio 28th, 2021|Future of Work, MF, Social Inclusion|0 Commenti

Maria Fossati: “I needed a bionic hand. And so I designed one.

Italian Institute of Technology scientist Maria Fossati, who has had no left forearm since birth, not only invented the prosthesis but is also the first to use it: "Now used by over 30 people worldwide"

Di |2024-07-15T10:06:27+01:00Maggio 1st, 2021|Innovation, MF, Social Inclusion|0 Commenti

How to become an astronaut: the six stages of the ESA selection process

For the first time in a dozen years, the European Space Agency has launched a call for applications to recruit the next class of astronauts. For the first time ever, at least one disabled astronaut will be selected this year

Di |2024-07-15T10:06:25+01:00Aprile 23rd, 2021|Education, MF, Social Inclusion|0 Commenti

When technology becomes the best friend of people with disabilities

Especially during the last year, with the pandemic and lockdown, people have felt the need to have every possible kind of help at home. This also applies to keeping in touch with the outside world and continuing to work

Di |2024-07-15T10:06:22+01:00Marzo 19th, 2021|Innovation, MF, Social Inclusion|0 Commenti

Education: from online provision by force to online provision “through choice”

Paolo Landri, senior researcher at the CNR-IRPPS (National Research Council at the Institute of Research on Population and Social Policies), explains how an informed choice is required in terms of using technology-based tools which are more suitable to educational requirements, without necessarily accepting platforms that are more widely available on the market, which have been created for professionals in the field and not for schools.

Di |2024-07-15T10:06:18+01:00Febbraio 8th, 2021|Education, MF, Social Inclusion|0 Commenti

Senior citizens are a resource for the benefit of the whole of society and not just for the world of work

According to the European Commission, one worker in two will be aged over 65 in 2070. Hence the need to focus on active ageing both inside and outside companies. "It's important to protect them, as we would lose a great deal without them," says Giovanni Lamura, director of INRCA

Di |2024-07-15T10:06:16+01:00Gennaio 15th, 2021|MF, Social Inclusion|0 Commenti

Tarak: To change capitalism, put the focus on companies

To change the market, you have to be in the market. How? By learning from the B-Corps, as explained by economist Pedro Tarak, one of the world's most prominent ambassadors of the Benefit Corporation' movement

Di |2024-07-15T10:06:06+01:00Agosto 31st, 2020|MF, Social Inclusion|0 Commenti

A second life after being fired: an inclusive dressmaker in Bologna

Barbara Montanari is a mother who lost her job to take care of her daughter with Down's syndrome. Hence the idea of starting Sartorie Leggere to involve and give a concrete chance of training for people with disabilities.

Di |2024-07-15T10:05:52+01:00Marzo 6th, 2020|MF, Social Inclusion|0 Commenti

USA: the advent of machines in the world of work means women are more at risk than men

According to research by the Institute for Women's Policy Research, 58% of workers at risk of being technologically substituted in the US are women

Di |2024-07-15T10:05:43+01:00Novembre 4th, 2019|Future of Work, MF, Social Inclusion|0 Commenti