Imperatives on post-COVID-19 reskilling

A McKinsey study on eight different countries reveals a post-pandemic labour market primed to change even faster than expected. By 2030, as many as 100 million workers will need to find a different occupation, acquiring new and more sophisticated skills to remain relevant on the market

Di |2024-07-15T10:06:24+01:00Aprile 19th, 2021|Future of Work, MF|0 Commenti

China is banking on lifelong learning to lead the digital world

Xi Jinping's government faces a major challenge in the coming years in reskilling its workforce, adapting it to the challenges of automation and digitalisation. Beijing spent 56% of its global investments on education in 2019

Di |2024-07-15T10:06:24+01:00Aprile 7th, 2021|Education, Innovation, MF|0 Commenti

When technology becomes the best friend of people with disabilities

Especially during the last year, with the pandemic and lockdown, people have felt the need to have every possible kind of help at home. This also applies to keeping in touch with the outside world and continuing to work

Di |2024-07-15T10:06:22+01:00Marzo 19th, 2021|Innovation, MF, Social Inclusion|0 Commenti

Senior citizens are a resource for the benefit of the whole of society and not just for the world of work

According to the European Commission, one worker in two will be aged over 65 in 2070. Hence the need to focus on active ageing both inside and outside companies. "It's important to protect them, as we would lose a great deal without them," says Giovanni Lamura, director of INRCA

Di |2024-07-15T10:06:16+01:00Gennaio 15th, 2021|MF, Social Inclusion|0 Commenti

Women and work, the outlook for 2021: five directions for a new career

Working women bore the main burden of the pandemic and consequent lockdown. Will things be the same next year too? Not for all and not necessarily. In some spheres, women hold the winning hand when it comes to jobs

Di |2024-07-15T10:06:14+01:00Dicembre 21st, 2020|Future of Work, MF|0 Commenti

Digital know-how and innovation: how Italy’s artisans will make a comeback after the pandemic

The Lombardy branch of Confartigianato (the association serving artisans and small businesses) has found that as many as 77% of businesses have either already invested or plan to invest in digital innovation. A must-have in the wake of the pandemic and in today's world, and it has to start with training

Di |2024-07-15T10:06:14+01:00Dicembre 9th, 2020|Education, Future of Work, MF|0 Commenti
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